Our Funds

Sustainable Enterprise Fund (SEF1) (IP4652753): Now Open

SEF1 focuses on high quality ventures that have a sustainable business model and represent excellent early stage investment opportunities.  It does not have a specific industry or technology focus and will accept all ESVCLP compliant investment into sustainable enterprises.  It will play a key role in our strategy to address the SME funding crisis.

Investor Enquiries

Enquiries should be director to Lellco as follows:

Investor Visa or Significant Investor Visa applicants

Self-Managed Venture Capital Funds

Advisory Panel Membership

We are currently filling the advisory panel.  If you would like to be considered for inclusion see Advisory Panel and Get Interested for details.

Prior Funds

Lellco Sustainability Investments

Lellco Sustainability Investments 1 was the first of its kind Venture Capital Limited Partnership, registered in February 2010.

It was the forerunner to our Hybrid Venture Capital Fund model and aided us to successfully prove the model.

The focus was on investments with a sustainability component.

Elcano Sustainability Investments 2 LP (QLD ILP0005)

Elcano Sustainability Investments 2 was the first of its kind Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership, registered in March 2010, the first ESVCLP in Queensland.

It was the prototype for our Self-Managed Venture Capital Fund model within the ESVCLP regime, and also focussed on investments with a sustainability component.

Elcano Franchise Fund 1 LP (QLD IP00004)

The Elcano Franchise Fund, was registered as a VCLP in February 2010, for the purpose of working with the Australian franchise sector.

Elcano Mid-Market Mezzanine Fund LP (QLD ILP0007)

The Elcano Mid-Market Fund, was registered as a VCLP in May 2014, for the purpose of working with Australian medium sized enterprises, utilising the Elcano developed Hybrid Capital Model of funding.

Prince of Broncos